
Thinking a smart world

The innovative start up Energicamente aims to create highly technological products and become an authoritative voice in the world of automatization and sustainable energy.


An innovative Italian Start up

Every day the complexity of modern life presents us a lot of problems that can be solved only through a multidisciplinary and integrated approach.

From this awareness, in 2016 was enstablished Energicamente, innovative Italian start-up, working union of professionals from various sectors, convinced that the right key for excellence is the teamwork approach.

The multidisciplinary nature of the professionals makes it possible to face, analyze and solve problems of various kinds, in different areas and in an optimized way, offering the customer innovative, sustainable and safe solutions.

Primarily, Energeticamente deals with research and development in the Hi-Tech, energy, ICT and Telecommunications fields.

In particular, the company is currently involved in different projects of embedded electronics applied to home automation, electro-medical and chemicalpharmaceutical sectors.

About the green energy sector, Energicamente is business partner of SES - Self Empowerment System, the first national network of fast charging stations for electric vehicles.

By joining the SES network, Energicamente shape up to be an Electric Mobility Specialist.

Finally, the company takes care of the supply and installation of photovoltaic systems, confirming the energetically sustainable vocation of Energicamente.

Energicamente company holds a registered office in Rome, Via Bradano, 3c 00199 and an operational headquarters in Favara (AG), Via Jugoslavia, 15 92026.


The figures currently operating are the CEO, Di ego Mammo Zagarella, as well as Project Manager of the home automation project financed by Smart & Start Italia; the technical director, Pasquale Alba, the head of the company's hardware development; the software engineer and ICT specialist Alfredo Silvano.

These three figures are currently the most involved in the first phase of research and development, in fact the company uses other professionals and collaborators, added value to the company knowhow.

Made in Sicily 

From the research of raw materials to industrial innovation with an eye always attentive to the environment and respect for the person.

Be tech. Be creative. Be human.


Diego Mammo Zagarella

CEO & Project Manager

Pasquale Alba

Technical Director & Hardware Engineer

Alfredo Silvano

Software Engineer & ICT Specialist


Our behavior
FOCUS ON OUR CUSTOMER: Energicamente is customer oriented, proponing solutions with the best cost-benefit ratio

TEAM SPIRIT: union is strength and Energeticamente relies on collective genius

·PASSION: the dedication and the desire to translate ideas into concrete projects testify to the love for our work.

INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY: Energicamente prerogatives, are also the key points of each project


Create the future living the present Create the future living the present: this is the vision that inspire Energicamente.

There is an effort of foresight on each project, looking beyond to a world made of connection networks, in which the physical distance is not an obstacle to the diffusion of culture and information.

For this reason Energicamente wants to be active part of the actual changing, doing the own work like a means aimed to a better world.

We have decided to defy the brain drain remaining firmly rooted in our territorial roots, our vision also aims to export our smart solutions to new boundaries, promoting our talent entirely made in the south!


Partnership Energicamente, according to his value of knowledge sharing, propose to develop the projects through business an industrial partnership which could guarantee the resources – material, immaterial and human- necessary to fast growth in the relevant sector.


Innovative solutions for sostainable world

The innovative start up Energicamente aims to create highly technological products and become an authoritative voice in the world of automatization and sustainable energy.

The company mission sees a strong commitment to concretizing ideas and intuitions, providing a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the challenges of this era.

From home automation, to the medical sector to environmental sustainability, Energicamente, thanks to the high degree of specialization and professional maturity of its team, is able to offer the most innovative and up-to-date solutions that enhance the heritage.


Sede legale:
Via Bradano, 3/C
00199 Roma
Sede operativa:
Via Jugoslavia, 15
92026 Favara (AG)


Email:       Telefono: +39 0660513573